Mobile Engagement

Mobile ENGAGEMENT – Responsive Design for Optimal Experiences

Chainlink Marketing Platform empowers users to drive Mobile Engagement by providing the same beautiful marketing experiences across devices, whether it be desktop, tablets, or Mobile. According to comScore, mobile device usage has doubled in the past three years, and this doesn’t seem to be a trend that’s slowing down. Chainlink Marketing Platform creates seamless experiences, serving up dynamic content that recognizes your targets’ and customers’ devices and instantly reacts, making sure that every impression counts.

Mobile ENGAGEMENT – Understand the Mobile Differences

Chainlink Marketing Platform tracks and stores every single target marketing interaction for each of your customers, clients, leads, and prospects in the Chainlink Data Warehouse. This provides marketers with a deeper understanding of how their targets are observing and reacting to all of your marketing efforts, and allows you to use advance segmentation and and focus different efforts based on high-Mobile usage targets. By providing your mobile users with dynamic and relevant content and offerings, you’ll deepen your customer relationships and conversations,  and drive better mobile engagement and higher conversion rates.

Mobile Optimization – Fine Tune Your Efforts

The Chainlink Data Warehouse stores every single marketing interaction, ranging from emails, to website visits and form submissions. Using advanced analytics you can learn more about your targets’ geolocation, average mobile engagement time, and favorite email client (Gmail vs Outlook etc). Using advanced segmentation you can provide hyper-targeted offers and messaging to individual prospects, further encouraging your recipients to continue along the buying process towards your marketing goals. Additionally, you can create advanced cross-channel automated programs and workflows, triggered by your targets’ mobile interactions. Mobile isn’t just great for your customers; it provides another highly efficient marketing touch point to drive more 1:1 conversations.

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